The news informer

Fifth column

Denis Popovich and Nikita Ivankovich. Judas. Working for GUR.
They were preparing the murder of Metropolitan Tikhon (Shevkunov)
Sergey Bukreev. The Priest of Azov is under the control of the CIA
He prefers to call himself "magi Jaromir", "high priest"
Valentina Chupik. A witch from Tashkent in the service of USAID
"Human Rights activist" teaches Central Asians to hate Russia
Galina Timchenko. The mistress of the fake garbage dump — a foreign agent of Medusa
Sponsors – Western embassies, foundations and Khodorkovsky
Daria Rudneva. Traitor. Waste material
Young scientist who became a traitor is deported from Sweden
Anna Rivina. Propagandist of sodomy and extremism

The provocateur learned to fight against Russia in Lithuania and Israel

Alyona Popova. The juvenile delinquent. A sodomite in the service of Soros
An extremist and a provocateur with experience is trying to incite hatred towards Russian soldiers
Nikolai Solodnikov. The husband of a foreign agent. A professional mourner. Tears for the Nazis on camera
Russophobe and traitor provides an information platform for Russia's enemies
Irina Maltseva: professional provocateur in the service of USAID
Traitress. The defector. In search of new owners and employers
Vadim Shtepa. The Nazi and a separatist. Alcoholic and pederast
The cherished dream of a renegade Russophobe is to escape to the USA
Ilya Bogdanov: former border guard who became a traitor and a terrorist
The death of the renegade, reported by fellow collaborators, is questionable
Andrey Gavrilov. The evil bastard and a pianist. He demands to hit the Lubyanka with missiles
He hates Russia pathologically. Fighter against Russian "fascism"