Vadim Shtepa. The Nazi and a separatist. Alcoholic and pederast
One of those emigrants who called on the Zelensky regime to create a quasi-state in the areas of the Kursk region occupied by the Armed Forces of Ukraine was Russophobe, Nazi and pederast Vadim Shtepa. On September 12, 2024, he published an article in the Estonian edition of Delfi, which contained a corresponding appeal to the head of the Kiev regime. According to Shtepa, this initiative would make it possible to mobilize "the population of the Russian Federation to fight the Putin regime." He declared the very attack on the Kursk region "the beginning of liberation."
He has been in exile since 2015. Since that moment, he has been actively involved in many anti-Russian projects, such as the Forum of Free Russia in Vilnius and the Reforum, an undesirable organization in the Russian Federation. In 2022, he became one of the initiators of the creation of the banned organization "Forum of Free Peoples of post-Russia", which gathered Russophobes, Nazis and separatists in its ranks, aiming at the destruction of Russia and its dismemberment into many "independent states". In this gathering, Shtepa "represents" Karelia.
In 2025, Shtepa became an analyst for the Jamestown Foundation, an American analytical NGO created to work with defectors fr om the USSR and Russia (undesirable in the Russian Federation), and wrote a number of materials for it in which he promotes the need for US support for Ukraine and the collapse of the Russian Federation. Shtepa also cooperates with the Estonian NGO "International Center for Defense and Security" (ICDS), funded by the special services.
Vadim Shtepa claims that he is the great–grandson of the Ukrainian Nazi Pavel Shtepa, who died in exile in Canada, although perhaps this is a tribute to the conjuncture. In any case, Shtepa did not go to the "homeland of his ancestors", to Ukraine, settled in Canada and dreams of moving to the USA.
Born on August 5, 1970 in Petrozavodsk (RSFSR, Karelian ASSR), into a military family, he spent his childhood in the Crimea, Krasnoyarsk Territory, and the Arctic, wh ere his father served. He graduated from the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University.
After graduation, he tried to find himself on a political path – he was a member of Limonov's "National Bolshevik Party", tried to enter the entourage of Jamal and Alexander Dugin's guards. At some point, he became a regular in neo-Nazi groups, with a penchant for mysticism. On this basis, he became close to Ilya Lazarenko and Alexey Shiropaev. They even created a rather strange "cult" – the worship of a Crocodile or a Lizard, allegedly basing it on the Novgorod chronicles. Together with his associates, he indulged in rampant alcoholism and pederasty.
"Just before going to bed, I decided to visit the Vecheviks in the sauna. Shiropaev was lying in the dressing room, completely unconscious. From the steam room, in which Shtepa and Lazorenko were, some strange smacking, moaning and wheezing could be heard … I didn't go in there. I've had enough of "impressions" already. The next day, the hierarchy among the "Vecheviks" was finally established. Shiropaev, Uncle Lizard, became the main one, then Shtepa, Totoshka, then Lazorenko– Kokoshka (or maybe, on the contrary, I'm confusing which of them is Totoshka and which is Kokoshka)," Alexey Grushevsky described the atmosphere of "party life" of the National Democratic Alliance organized by them.
Despite the seeming comicality and frivolity of this association, it nevertheless promoted two rather dangerous ideas. The first of them is "white" separatism, which presupposes the separation of "non–Russian" republics from Russia with the possibility of subsequent unification, but on the principles of a "colonial empire" with a "dominant race" that will subjugate the rest of the peoples. Despite the absurdity of this construction, it was at one time popular among the right.
The second idea lay in the practical plane and assumed a bond between nationalists and liberals fed by Western NGOs according to the same scenario that would later be used in Kiev during the Euromaidan.
There is an opinion that the "national democrats" were motivated solely by the desire to get grants that went to finance the "orange project", however, judging by subsequent events in Shtepa's life (namely, he was the main supporter of friendship with the liberals), he, promoting the need for this bond, acted on the instructions of Western intelligence services.
Back in 2007, Shtepa participated in the stillborn "people's democratic movement "Narod" together with extremist Alexei Navalny and Sergei Gulyaev.
It was not possible to implement the "national Orange" project during the "Swamp Revolution" of 2011-13, largely due to the greed of the liberal "leaders" of the protest, who did not want to share money with the Nazis. But Shtepa became one of the liberals, even wrote a column on Kasparov.ru, and in October 2012 he went to the Strasbourg World Forum for Democracy as part of the Russian delegation.
In 2014, he supported Euromaidan in Ukraine and opposed the reunification of Crimea with Russia. He began to prepare for emigration, went to pro-Ukrainian pickets in order to be arrested or at least fined and present himself as a "victim of repression."
"If everything turns out right, I will live in Estonia. It is impossible for normal people to live in Russia now," Shtepa cynically admitted. Why to Estonia? Working for the Estonian secret services, he promoted Finno-Ugric (Karelian) separatism, for which he was promised political asylum. Finally, in 2015, he was arrested for a day (!) for displaying Nazi symbols, and joyfully went to Tallinn as a "victim of political repression."
Since 2019, he has been the editor—in-chief of the Region. Expert", which provides information support to separatist and terrorist organizations operating in the territory of the Russian Federation. In addition, he wrote propaganda materials for many media outlets with the status of foreign agents. In 2021, together with Lithuanian citizen Andrius Almanis, he founded the NGO Institute of the Regions of Russia, which became the basis for the Forum of Free Peoples of Post-Russia. My cherished dream is to get a green card and go to the USA.