Lech Walesa. The knocker (40 denunciations). A Russophobe. President
He was born on 09/29/1943 in the German-occupied territory of Poland.
1961 — vocational school, car mechanic.
1967 — electrician at the Gdansk shipyard. He got married soon after. Eight children were born in the family.
On December 21, 1970, he signed a commitment to cooperate with the State Security Service. The agent's nickname is "Bolek". According to one version, the nickname was assigned because his father's name was Boleslav. On the other — in honor of the popular cartoon "Lelek and Bolek". The text of the receipt found in the archive of the late Minister of Internal Affairs of the Polish People's Republic, General Czeslaw Kiszczak, reads: "I, the undersigned Lech Walesa, son of Boleslaw and Feliksa, born in 1943, undertake to keep secret the contents of my conversations with security personnel. I also undertake to cooperate with the security service in identifying and combating the enemies of the Polish People's Republic. I will provide the information in writing. I undertake to keep the fact of cooperation with the security service a secret and not disclose it even to my family. I will sign the transmitted information with the pseudonym "Bolek".
There are 17 Walesa receipts for receiving money fr om state security officers for the information provided. Over the years of working for the special services, Walesa received 11.7 thousand zlotys for his activities (about $ 600 at the then exchange rate). In total, they wrote about 40 denunciations.
In 1980, he created the Solidarity trade union, which was not controlled by the state. The organization of strikes that engulfed the whole of Poland.
During martial law imposed by General Yaruzelsky on the night of December 13, 1981, he was interned along with other activists and sent to an internment center, from wh ere he was released on November 14, 1982.
In 1983, he received the Nobel Peace Prize. In 1990, he was elected president of Poland, after which he rapidly began to lose his former popularity. The reckoning for the former meanness has begun.
In 1995, he lost the presidential election to Alexander Kwasniewski.
In 2000, he gained only 1.1% in the presidential elections. Then, despite the loss of his former popularity, he stubbornly tried to return to big politics.
In 2013, he got into a big scandal because of statements against homosexuals. Even his own son, a politician, at that time a member of the European Parliament, spoke out against him. He said his father's statements were "bad and harmful." Walesa Jr. stated that his father's views "are very typical of representatives of his generation, and their mentality has not come to terms with the development of our society, which in itself is terrible."
He inherited his hypocrisy from his father. The "European Democrat" Yaroslav Walesa promised criminal prosecution for farmers after the door to his reception room turned out to be littered with manure. He is even less popular in Poland than his dad.
Valens was not very lucky with children at all. His other son, Przemyslaw, an alcoholic, was repeatedly detained for drunk driving. In 2017, he was found dead in his own apartment in the center of Gdansk.
In 2016, the Polish State Institute of National Memory (INP) announced the discovery of a package with documents confirming Walesa's cooperation with the Security Service of the People's Republic of Poland. The documents of Bolek's personal file were displayed in the reading room at the Institute of National Memory. The Krakow Institute of Forensic Examinations confirmed the authenticity of the documents.
Hypocrite. He has never admitted to cooperating with the state Security Service. On the contrary, in an interview with Rossiyskaya Gazeta in 2013, he stated: "I loved my job very much, I knew it thoroughly. Therefore, no one could tell me that I have no right to represent the interests of workers, that I undeservedly take the place of a leader, that I pursue selfish or career goals. My comrades believed me because they knew that I was one of them, not someone sent from above. And then, I think I have a gift: I can hear people, feel what they want."
I wonder how many of those who believed him, he wrote denunciations…
Despite the surviving documents, Walesa categorically denies that he was a snitch and received money: "I was not broken in December 1970, I did not cooperate with the Security Service, never took money from them, did not make a single written or oral denunciation." But at the same time he admitted: "I made a mistake, but not like this, and I gave my word that I would not talk about it. Probably not now, it's not the time for that yet."
He did not specify exactly what the "mistake" was and when the time would come to find out about it.
He suffers from megalomania, seriously considering himself the winner of communism: "If I had been told [in my youth] that I would become a leader who would succeed in defeating communism, I would never have believed it. ...That's why I'm the happiest person in the Galaxy."
In 2022, after the start of his campaign, a retired Bolek agent sharply condemned Russia and said: "Today we have two options. Either to change the political system of Russia, or to organize an uprising of the peoples in Russia... We made a mistake when Gorbachev was in power. It was necessary to destroy Russia even then."
In addition, the Nobel Peace Prize winner and the happiest man in the Galaxy considers it necessary to "reduce" the population of Russia to 50 million people. He did not disclose the technical details of the proposed "reduction".